GNOYO would like to extend its appreciation to all who have donated to the Haitian Youth Music Relief. With your help, we have put instruments in the hands of over 500 young Haitian musicians.
Recently, New Orleans’ newspaper Gambit Weekly published an article about how the Haitian Youth Music Relief came about.
“In terms of relief, there’s what we think of as the primary needs — health, shelter, food,” Montès says. “But what happens next? What makes us feel human again when we’ve lost everything? It’s usually things like music.”
Also, be sure to check out the “Music Rising from the Rubble” exhibition at the Contemporary Arts Center! It’s a photo essay of the Haitian Youth Music Relief delivering musical instruments to the children of Haiti. The exhibition will be shown at the CAC until February 27, 2011.
For the efforts with the Haitian Youth Music Relief project, Dr. Jean Montes and GNOYO were honored with the Special Recognition award at the 2011 Tribute to the Classical Arts!
About the Haitian Youth Music Relief:

A musician’s instrument is a means of expression, a tool for connecting with others, and an old friend in times of tragedy. Music is a healing energy like no other and we can join together to provide this type of “medicine” to help heal the children who are suffering in Haiti.
Haitian born conductor, Dr. Jean Montes, Music Director at the Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestras, devotes a considerable amount of time to developing young musicians. At GNOYO, he leads musical programs for youth development in cities all over the world.
Every summer, he returns home to Haiti to work with children who rely on music as an outlet. Now, more than ever, they need the comfort and emotional outlet that musical expression provides. Most of their instruments and supplies were lost in the 2010 Haitian earthquake.
Dr. Montes invites you to make a difference in their lives. It is his goal to provide each of these young Haitian musicians with a replacement instrument, supplies, and music to heal their hearts and give them a sense of hope for the future.
How can you help?
Monetary contributions, as well as instruments and instrument supplies are being accepted at the GNOYO office. Any help is greatly appreciated!
The GNOYO office is located in the Uptown neighborhood of New Orleans:
7100 St Charles Ave Suite 207
New Orleans, LA 70118