Over the years, GNOYO has toured with our students to many places including to Carnegie Hall and to France. The information below is an example of tour-related programming and communications.
25th Anniversary Tour de France
Click here to Access the 25th Anniversary Tour de France Tour Travel Form
Latest Tour de France Status Update
Click here to Access the 25th Anniversary Tour de France Current Participant Status Form
Click here to Access the Waiting List Application for the 25th Anniversary Tour de France
Click here to access the 25th Anniversary Tour de France Travel Booklet
Tour Rehearsal Schedule and Repertoire
Click here to Access Tour Fundraising Brochure
Dear GNOYO members, parents, alumni and friends we are delighted to present the rescheduled 25th Anniversary tour de France in light of COVID19 our partners are eager to make this a reality if at all possible.
The anticipated tour dates
Tuesday June 29th to July 16th, 2021.
Tentative Performance Itinerary:
Along with the Riviera International Massive Music Festival which GNOYO will be part of, there are more than12 concerts on the tour, including cultural, educational, community building and service activities.
Wednesday, June 30th Arrival in the City of Nice

Wednesday, June 30th
10:30am Rehearsals at Auditorium Campus Cap Esterel

Thursday, July 1st
3:00pm visit the City of Saint-Tropez

Thursday, July 1st
6:00pm performance in the City of Draguignan (Auditorium)

Thursday, July 1st
9:00pm performance at Chateau La Martinette

Friday, July 2nd
5:00pm visit the City of Fréjus
7:00pm performance in the City of Fréjus
(Cloitre of the Cathedrale)

Saturday, July 3th & Sunday, July 4th
11:00am Opening of the
Riviera International Massive Music Festival
Marathon Performances Cap Esterel

Monday, July 5th
7:00pm Performance at Villa Kerylos

Tuesday, July 6th
5:00pm visit the City of Nice (Promenade des Anglais)
8:00pm performance in the City of Saint Laurent du Var

Wednesday, July 7th
9:00pm performance at the Cathedral of Monaco

Thursday, July 8th
8:30 and 11:00pm performance at Cap Esterel

Friday, July 9th
5:30pm visit the Abbaye du Thoronet
7:00pm performance at the Abbaye du Thoronet

Saturday, July 10th
3:00pm Performance at the Dominican Monastery

Saturday, July 10th
9:00pm Performance at Saint-Tropez

Sunday, July 11th
8:30pm Performance Chateau Sainte-Roseline

Monday, July 12th
3:00pm visit the City of Mouans-Sartoux
(Chateau de Mouans-Sartoux)
9:00pm Performance in the City of Mouans-Sartoux

Tuesday, July 13th
5:00pm Performance in the City of Saint-Raphaël (Basilique)
9:30pm Performance at Cap Esterel

Wednesday, July 14th
8:30pm Performance Cap Esterel Place

Thursday, July 15th
8:30pm Performance Cap Esterel Place

Friday, July 16th
8:30am Departure from Cap Esterel Place to NOLA
GNOYO tour philosophy
(Educational, Life changing and Community building)
Touring background and philosophy
Touring has become a traditional part of the Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestras experience since its Carnegie Hall debut in 2009. Many of GNOYO orchestras have had exchange experiences with other youth orchestras, or played concerts in cities away from home. The Symphony, as standard bearer of our youth orchestral organization, has been heard internationally with resounding response and success.
The key objectives of touring (stated below) will remain constant, while each tour’s destination will contribute additional reasons for that particular tour. The expectations among our talent pool of young musicians that a tour will ideally take place every other year or when suitable opportunity and occasion presents itself this will contribute to recruitment and retention. Tours are an important extension of their students’ musical education, a valuable milestone in their growth towards a wider view of the world. Often the volunteer aspects of tour planning, coupled with opportunities to be a chaperone, contribute to the creation of a core group of people who remain active supporters long after a tour has ended.
The Symphony, as an orchestra, benefits during a tour year, as the increased number of concerts contributes to a level of quality. Audiences attending tour concerts are often the most enthusiastic the orchestra has ever played for, inspiring a level of performance which may surprise even the musicians themselves.
Performing either in a city where our musical culture was born and lives on in the very fabric of daily life, or where it is an exotic luxury and the stuff of dreams, contributes to a profound experience for members of the orchestra, one which could not be gained at home. Each concert becomes important in a deeply personal way Music as an international language becomes very real.
The orchestra comes home eager to share what it has gained through music. Returning musicians form an experienced core in the ensemble. They have become friends who contribute to student leadership and model commitment to practice and rehearsal. They have a new understanding of where this hard work can lead.
Like an athletic team, members of the orchestra have learned to extend themselves in order to hold up their section, their part of the whole. In setting new goals for themselves, and in raising their expectations for the fellow players, they create the intangible pride, excitement and spirit of the music.
The audition process for
non Symphony members and Alums.
Fill out application and submit a one minute audition performing portion of a piece that best display your ability on your instrument only video format will be accepted to musicdirector@gnoyo.org deadline October 25, 2020. Result notifications will take place by Wednesday, October 28, 2020.
The Package will include airfare, motor coach transportation, hotels, breakfasts, lunch and dinners. Plans include sightseeing, educational master-classes, workshops, initiation to archery, artistic fencing, 8 tour performances and 16 festival performances. We will have a parent fundraising group working on earning some of these funds necessary for each student’s participation. Additional required travel insurance will be required on a case by case basis. Spending money estimate is $15-$20 per day for incidentals.
Those who have already bee in the process will just need to pay the additional fee for the travel insurance and continue to pay the difference from where they left off before the pandemic using the schedule below.
For all new participants please follow the schedule below.
A non-refundable $250 security deposit per member is required by October 30, 2020 for us to proceed with our tour plan. We have a very limited 100 seats reserved. Parents are welcome to join us on the tour.
Individual non-refundable deposit of $250.00
due by Saturday, October 31, 2020
Individual deposit of $625.00 per person
due by Saturday, November 28, 2020
Individual deposit of $625.00 per person
due by Thursday, December 31, 2020
Individual deposit of $500.00 per person
due by Saturday, January 30, 2021
Individual deposit of $500.00 per person
due by Saturday, February 27, 2021
Individual deposit of $500.00 per person
due by Saturday, March 27, 2021
Individual deposit of $500.00 per person
due by Saturday, April 24, 2021
Payments can be made via checks or card at https://gnoyo.org/custom-payments/
Alumni invitation process
The GNOYO has a long tradition of excellence which is set by the standards of its great alums. Therefore All GNOYO Alums are invited to participate with a two packages offer.
Travel with us from New Orleans-Package one is $3500 plus Travel Insurance
Meet us in France, rehearse and perform with
Package two is $2500 plus Travel Insurance
On Going Fundraising efforts
Through identifying sponsors email gnoyo@gnoyo.org with any potential sponsors contact info…
Through Individual donors (Donate Now)
Through Students Performances (Solo, Chamber groups and Large ensemble available for hire at various events) email gnoyo@gnoyo.org with any request
Questions? Comments! Suggestions…
Please email us at gnoyo.org
Click here to Access the 25th Anniversary Tour de France Tour Travel Form
Click here to access previous tour photos
Latest Tour de France Status Update
Click here to Access the 25th Anniversary Tour de France Current Participant Status Form
Click here to Access the Waiting List Application for the 25th Anniversary Tour de France
Click here to access the 25th Anniversary Tour de France Travel Booklet
Tour Rehearsal Schedule and Repertoire
Click here to Access Tour Fundraising Brochure
Let’s Have a Great 25th Anniversary Tour!