GNOYO 2017-2018 Season – Spring Concert Loyola University Roussel Hall -7PM Sunday March 18th, 2018 Summary This is the second concert of the season that features two winners of the 2018 Concerto Competition, Paul Kreamer, Piano at the Sinfonia level, and Ayi Ekhaese, Violin at the Philharmonia Level, as well as performances by each of the […]

Fall Orchestra Auditions
The Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestras is excited to announce auditions for the 2017-2018 season. The auditions will take place on Saturday August 5th and Sunday August 6th at Loyola University (6363 St Charles Avenue New Orleans LA, 70118)
GNOYO’s 2016-2017 Season Pre-Mother’s Day Celebration Concert
GNOYO’s 2016-2017 Season-Pre-Mother’s Day Celebration Concert Loyola University Roussel Hall -3PM Saturday May 6th, 2017 Summary The Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestras is pleased to announce its final concert of the 2016-2017 Season will be held on Saturday, May 6th at the Loyola University at 3pm. The Concert will feature a performance by the […]
GNOYO 2016-2017 Spring Concert
GNOYO 2016-2017 Season – Spring Concert Loyola University Roussel Hall -5PM Sunday March 19th, 2017 Summary This is the second regular concert of the season that features two winners of the 2017 Concerto Competition, Sophia Vu Violin at the Sinfonia level, and Daniel Lee Violin at the Philharmonia Level, as well as performances by each […]
2016-2017 Season Spring Concert
The Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestras is proud to announce our 2016-2017 Spring Concert. The concert is set for Sunday March 19th at 3:00PM (Loyola University). More details will become available in the weeks ahead.
GNOYO’s 2016-2017 Season Fall ConcertMandeville High School Auditorium
GNOYO 2016-2017 Season – Fall Concert Mandeville High School Auditorium -3PM Saturday December 17th, 2016 Summary This is the first concert of GNOYO’s 2016-2017 season featuring exciting performances by the orchestras. The orchestras include the North and South Shore Sinfonias, the North and South Shore Philharmonias, and the Symphony. Join us for this wonderful event! […]
GNOYO’s Sunset Symphony on the Lake
City of Mandeville’s Sunset Symphony on the Lake Saturday, October 22nd, 2016 4:00 PM Lakeshore Drive in Mandeville between Carroll St and Coffee St Performance Reminders Symphony Musicians Schedule Arrival Time: 2:15PM Dress Rehearsal on Stage: 2:30 to 3:30PM Break: 3:30 – 3:45 PM Performance Time: 4:00 – 4:30 PM Please bring sheet music, WIRE […]
GNOYO Fall Retreat
The Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestras is excited to announce the Fall Retreat. This year the retreat will take place on the campus of Loyola University in New Orleans. GNOYO students will attend the retreat during there normal rehearsal time.
GNOYO’s Summer Music Festival
GNOYO is proud to present the 18th Annual Summer Music Festival the week of June 6-10 at Loyola University. On Friday May 10th the Summer Fest Participants will play a concert that is free and open to the public. Concert is set for 11:15 am with a pot luck lunch to follow.
GNOYO’s 2015-2016 Season-Mothers Day Concert
GNOYO 2015-2016 Season – Mothers Day Concert Orpheum Theater -3PM Sunday May 8th, 2016 Summary The Greater New Orleans Youth Orchestras is pleased to announce its final concert of the 2015-2016 Season will be held on Sunday, May 8th at the Orpheum Theater at 3pm. The Concert will feature a performance by the winner of […]