GNOYO Online 23rd Summer Music Festival
GNOYO Online
23rd Summer Music Festival
Due to COVID-19 GNOYO’s Summer Music Festival again offer an online option.
All are invited to participate
June 14th – 25th
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
3:00 – 5:00 pm
with a special performance on Friday 6/25th
Participation Fee Options
1) Recommended Donation $100
2) Suggested Donation $25
For financial scholarships, please email
GNOYO Online Summer Music Festival
is excited to inspires young musicians at all levels of proficiency during the two week-long collaboration with some of the most talented professional musicians in the country.
Zoom Classes will be divided into the following
Weekly Schedule
Week 1 Monday June 14, Wednesday June 16, & Friday June 18
Week 2 Monday June 21, Wednesday June 23 & Friday 25
Tentative Daily Schedule
3:00-3:05pm Announcements
3:05-3:45pm- Instrumental Technique
3:50-4:10pm- Music Presentation
4:15-4:55pm- Ensemble/Repertoire/master class
4:55-5:00pm- Wrap up
The annual Summer Music Festival will take place Monday, Wednesday & Friday, June 14-25 2021, Online Via Zoom
Click here to Access the Online Summer Music Festival Application
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