GNOYO 2015-2016 Season – Spring Concert
Roussel Hall-Loyola University 3PM
Sunday March 20th, 2016
This is the second regular concert of the season that features two winners of the 2016 Concerto Competition, Sophia Vu Violin at the Sinfonia level, and Umika Kuroda Violin at the Philharmonia Level, as well as performances by each of the orchestras; the North and South Shore Sinfonias, the North and South Shore Philharmonias, and the Symphony.
Catch a glimpse of the stars of tomorrow…
Invite your friends and family!!!!
Please Note that Online Ticket sales will end on Saturday March 19th at 3:00PM
Ticket can still be purchased at the door on Sunday March 20th beginning at 2pm.
At the Door Ticket Prices
VIP| Reserved Seating | Audience Left $ 30
VIP| Reserved Seating | Audience Right $ 30
VIP| Reserved Seating | Audience Center $ 30
Student VIP $ 10
General Admission Ticket $ 20
Student General Admission Ticket $ 10